Grounded in Truth
September 8, 2024
Our mission is to glorify God by making healthy multiplying disciples who will work together to reach the world for Jesus Christ.
In prayer and by faith we are committing our lives to the cause of seeing 1,000 people come to faith in Christ, 100 people engaged in vocational Christian ministry, and 10 missional communities active throughout the Chisago Lakes area and beyond by the year 2045.
In 1 Corinthians 15 the apostle Paul tells us that over 1,000 lives were forever changed through an encounter with the risen Jesus. These 1,000 “Jesus People”, empowered by the Holy Spirit and committed to the Great Commission, began a revolution that extended from Jerusalem to the ends of the earth. This revolution transformed individuals, families, societies, institutions, and traditions with the grace and truth of Jesus Christ.
Here at Lakes Free Church we believe that God is calling us to be a catalyst for the ongoing advancement of the “Jesus People” revolution in the Chisago Lakes area and beyond. Over the next 20 years we are going to exercise an active trust, believing in faith that by God’s grace and through his empowerment we can reach 1,000 new believers with the transformational message of the gospel of Jesus Christ. We are not just striving for first time decisions, but faithful disciples who will join us on mission as people grounded in truth, growing in grace, and going in faith.
As the Lord builds his Church, he will need more men and women committed to vocational Christian ministry; and so, here at Lakes Free Church we will encourage, disciple, and support the next generation of Christian workers. Our prayer is to see 100 full-time servants of Jesus raised up and sent out from our fellowship.
In seeking to attain and support the above goals, Lakes Free Church will extend its gospel influence throughout our region by creating 10 missional communities that will serve as local hubs of outreach. From Rush City to Stillwater and Forest Lake to St. Croix Falls we will create geographical fellowships that will serve on mission together. These missional communities will build relationships and bridges for the gospel in their local areas while worshipping corporately on Sunday mornings at our Lindstrom campus. Should our region grow, and if the Lord wills, these missional communities may one day become multi-site campuses or possibly new church plants of Lakes Free.
Throughout our history Lakes Free Church has joyfully embraced the call to, “Keep the main thing the main thing.” In affirming Vision 45 we are declaring that we will not settle for complacency and stagnation as a church. We will continue to proactively advance the good news of Jesus Christ throughout our region and beyond. We will live as faithful servants of Jesus, keeping eternity’s values in view. To God be the glory!