Welcome to Lakes Free Online!

Thanks for joining us! Our Sunday message will be streamed here each week at 10:40am.


Are you new to Lakes Free? Please take a moment and fill out our digital connect card.  We would love to connect with you this week and say thank you for worshipping with us.

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Christmas Offering for Missionaries: During the month of December we will be collecting a special offering towards a financial gift for our missionaries. If you would like to contribute, please choose “Christmas Missions” for online donations or include a note indicating “Christmas Missions” with your donation.

Christmas Eve Services: Dec. 24 | 2:00pm | 3:30pm | 5:00pm


January ABF Electives: Lakes Free is excited to offer three amazing classes which you can choose during January, when our regular ABFs will be taking a break. See class options here.

Children’s Church Help Needed for Dec. 22 & 29: Facilitate a video story, coloring sheet, snack and platime for preschoolers. Contact Lisa Lizotte 612-597-6230 if you can help with either or both services.

Mom’s In Prayer: Praying for our Young Adult Children: Tuesdays | 9:00-10:00am | Jan. 7 – Feb. 25. Come join other Mom’s to pray for our young adult children. This group will be a structured prayer time.

Save the Date – Apologetics Conference: Feb. 28-Mar. 3, featuring Sean McDowell. Watch for more info.

Coats & Winter Wear Needed for MEC Prison Ministry: We are again collecting winter wear for inmates who are released during the winter months. Please put donations outside the Sharing Shop door in the Fellowship Hall by December 31.

Holiday Office Hours: Dec. 24, open until 12:00pm. Office closed Dec. 25-27 & Jan. 1

The One Who is Greater than Death
Luke 7:11-17
Pastor Jeremy Lind

Luke 7:11-17
Ecclesiastes 3:11
Luke 7:11-12
John 3:16

1. Jesus brings life passionately (7:13)

Luke 7:14

2. Jesus brings life personally (7:14)

John 10:27
Romans 6:6-8
Luke 7:15-16
Psalms 145:1-2

3. Jesus brings life powerfully (7:15)

Hebrews 11:3
2 Kings 4:33
1 Kings 17:20
1 Thess 4:13-16

Sermon Discussion Questions
Questions for Reflection:
1. What does this sermon series say about Jesus’ heart for whatever suffering you are facing?
2. What do you think the end result of your suffering will be if you continue to trust in Jesus?

Questions for Discussion:
1. In what ways have you personally seen Jesus protect you or your family from death?
2. What encourages you from the passage as you mourn the loss of loved ones and await the resurrection?
3. How can we bring glory to God as we miss our departed family and friends?

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