Sermon Notes: Oct. 8, 2023

Mercy Matters
Matthew 5:7
Pastor Jason Carlson

Matthew 5:1-7

Mercy Matters:

  1. The meaning of mercy

1 Corinthians 1:3
1 Timothy 1:1-2

Mercy = eleos (pity, compassion)
Grace = charis (kindness, goodwill, favor)

“The noun eleos (mercy)… always deals with what we see of pain, misery and distress, these results of sin; and charis (grace) always deals with the sin and guilt itself.  The one extends relief; the other pardon…” – John Stott

Ephesians 2:1-7

“the central idea of ‘grace’ is God’s unmerited love; but the central idea of ‘mercy’ is that of relieving the misery that those sins have brought about.” – Richard Trench, 19th c. Anglican Bishop

1 John 1:9
2 Corinthians 5:17

“Mercy is grace in action.”  – James Montgomery Boice

  1. The means of mercy

Luke 10:25-37

The 4 aspects of mercy in the parable of the Good Samaritan:

1) Mercy recognizes suffering (v. 33)
2) Mercy moves the heart with compassion (v. 33)
3) Mercy seeks to relieve suffering (v. 34-35)
4) Mercy acts without partiality (v. 33)

“(mercy is) a melting disposition whereby we lay to heart the miseries of others and are ready in all occasions to be instrumental for their good.” – Thomas Manton, 17th c. Puritan clergyman

  1. The model of mercy

Hebrews 4:14-16

Sermon Discussion Questions

Questions for reflection:

  1. Why is mercy an essential character-trait of “Jesus people”?
  2. What would it look like for you to become a more merciful person?  

Questions for discussion: 

  1. What is the difference between grace and mercy? How do we see this in the message of the gospel?
  2. How would you respond to the idea that Jesus is teaching salvation based on works in Matthew 5:7? 
  3. Is it possible to become a more merciful person? If so, how?  



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