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Thanks for joining us! Our Sunday message will be streamed here each week at 10:40am.


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Ladies Bunco Night: Friday, Jan. 31, 6:30-9:00pm. Join us for an evening filled with laughter, fun, and friendly competition! It’s the perfect opportunity to unwind, socialize, and enjoy each other’s company. No prior Bunco experience is needed. Please bring a snack to share.

Worldview Apologetics Conference: Feb. 28-March 1, featuring Sean McDowell. Cost: $20. Conference details and tickets here.

Starting Point Tubing @ Trollhaugen (for young adults 18-26): Jan. 31 | 6:00-8:00pm | Cost: $18. Hit the hills with us for a fun night of tubing at Trollhaugen! All young adults 18-26 are invited. Hot cocoa, snacks, and board games will be provided.

Grandparents @ Prayer: Feb. 9 | 12:00-1:00pm | Room 233.

Lakes Free 101: Sundays, 9:00am | Feb. 2-16. A three-week class for newcomers to our church. If you’ve been attending our Sunday morning worship services for a few weeks or a few months, and are ready to get more acquainted with us, this class is for you!

Ladies Galentine’s Brunch: Feb. 15 | 10:00am-12:00pm | Fellowship Hall Join us for a pot-luck brunch and a reminder of just how cherished and valuable you are. Register here.

Family Ski Day @ Trollhaugen: Feb. 23 | 2:00-8:00pm. All ages from Lakes Free welcome. Lift ticket: $26 (equipment rental extra). Potluck dinner @ 5:45pm. Details and registration here.

Short-term Adult Mission Trip: North Carolina June 14-20 | Cost: $550 This is a joint Student Ministries/Missions sponsored mission trip. Lakes Free will be partnering with Praying Pelican Missions who are actively engaged in long-term recovery efforts. Register here.

HS Winter Retreat: Feb. 14-15, Cost: $80 + $ for 3 meals, $40 Lift ticket for ski or snowboard (optional), $20 Tubing (optional). Conquer the slopes or relax in the chalet at Giants Ridge. Register here by Feb. 15.

MS Winter Retreat: Feb. Feb. 21-22 | Cost: $60 + $ for 3 meals (2 fast food, 1 at MOA). A $27 Nickelodeon ticket is optional. A fun overnight weekend for MS students. Complete details and registration here.

Marriage By Design
1 Corinthians 7:1-16
Pastor Jason Carlson

2 Timothy 3:16-17
1 Corinthians 7:1-16

How to do marriage according to God’s design:

1. Employ God’s purity principles (v. 1-5)

1) Marital fidelity (v. 2)

Genesis 2:24-25

2) Conjugal equality (v. 3)

“This is what living with a woman as one’s wife means- to have children by her and to introduce sons to the members of the clan… Mistresses we keep for the sake of pleasure, concubines for the daily care of our persons, but wives to bear us legitimate children and to be faithful guardians of our households.” – Demosthenes, Greek statesman

Song of Solomon 6:3a

3) Physical parity (v. 4)

1 Corinthians 6:16
• “Joined” = Kallao (glued or cemented)
• “Body” = Soma (a person’s total being)
• 2 bodies joined together become one!

4) Sexual regularity (v. 5)

1 Peter 5:8
John 10:10
Proverbs 5:18-20

5) Devotional charity (v. 5)

Ephesians 5:31-32
Ephesians 5:22
Ephesians 5:25
1 Corinthians 13:4-7

2. Entrust yourself to God’s providential plan (v. 6-9)

Ephesians 1:11

“Only one life, ‘twill soon be past, only what’s done for Christ will last.” – C.T. Studd

3. Embrace God’s priorities of permanence and peace (v. 10-16)

Mark 10:6-12

“made holy” = hagiazo (sanctified, set apart, or dedicated to God)

1 Corinthians 6:9-11

What would it look like for me to honor God’s will today in the area of sex?

What would it look like for me to honor God’s will today in my current station of life, whether single, engaged, married, divorced, or widowed?

What would it look like for me to honor God’s will today for my marriage?

Sermon Discussion Questions
Questions for reflection:
1. In what ways is the Bible’s teaching on sex, singleness, marriage and divorce counter-cultural?
2. What might God be asking you to do as a result of today’s teaching?

Questions for discussion:
1. How does today’s passage reveal a positive vision of God’s will for sex within marriage?
2. In what ways should we see singleness and marriage as equally good gifts from God?
3. What instructions does Paul give on the topic of divorce? What do we learn about God’s will for marriage from them?

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