Worship Guide

Message & Sermon Notes

Divine Dining: The Etiquette of Grace
1 Corinthians 11:17-34
Pastor Jason Carlson

1 Corinthians 11:17-34

Proper etiquette for the Lord’s supper:

1. The Corinthians’ problem (v. 17-22)

John 17:20-23

“church” = ekklesia (assembly, gathering)

Galatians 3:28
1 John 4:7-8

“(In taking communion) Next to the blessed sacrament itself, your neighbor is the holiest object presented to your senses. If he is your Christian neighbor, he is holy in almost the same way, for in him also Christ- the glorifier and the glorified, Glory Himself- is truly hidden.” – C.S. Lewis

The Corinthians’ abuse of the Lord’s Supper:
• Disunity, division, dishonor
• Lack of hospitality and love
• Gluttony and drunkenness

2. The Lord’s purpose (v. 23-26)

Communion is an opportunity to:
1) Look back to the cross

John 6:35, 51, 58
Romans 3:10, 23
Romans 6:23a
Leviticus 17:11
Hebrews 9:22
Hebrews 10:4, 11-12
Romans 6:23
John 1:29
Isaiah 53:5
John 3:16

The Gospel = Euangelion (Good News!)

Ephesians 2:8-9

2) Look forward to the crown

Isaiah 25:6-9

“Should the Lord’s Supper be solemn or cheerful? I’m saying it should not be either-or… There is a solemnity with explosive joy, and there is sweet cheerfulness whose eyes are brimming with tears.” – John Piper

3) Look in at our conscience

3. The Apostle’s prescription (v. 27-34)

Paul’s prescription for participation in the Lord’s Supper?
1) Examine your heart

Psalm 139:23-24
1 John 1:9

2) Examine your heart in regard to the body

1 Corinthians 10:16-17
Matthew 5:23-24
Hebrews 12:5-7, 10-11
Philippians 2:3-8

Sermon Discussion Questions
Questions for reflection:
1. How has today’s teaching informed your understanding of the meaning and practice of the Lord’s Supper?
2. Why must Christians strive for unity? Are there fellow believers in your life that God might be calling you to reconcile with?

Questions for discussion:
1. Why was division among believers at the Lord’s Supper so negative and damaging in Paul’s view?
2. What does the Lord’s Supper teach about Christ’s past and future work? Is this a cause for solemnity or rejoicing?
3. In what ways does Paul’s teaching today offer both a word of warning and hope to followers of Christ?

Sundays at Lakes Free

Welcome Visitors!
If you are visiting for the first time today, stop by the Next Steps counter to pick up a welcome gift from Lakes Free!

Worship Services: 9:00 & 10:40 am. (Livestream at 10:40am)

Sunday School & Adult Bible Fellowships (ABFs):
Nursery & Preschool Sunday School: 9:00 & 10:40am
Elementary Sunday School: 9:00am
Middle & High School Sunday School: 9:00am
Adult Bible Fellowship (ABF): 9:00 10:40am (More info here)

Lakes Cafe Open Sunday Mornings: Purchase a cup of coffee for $2 and 100% will be donated to support Lakes Free missionaries. Each month will feature a current Lakes Free Mission partner.

What is the Next Steps Area? You may be wondering what, exactly, is the corner with Next Steps written on the wall? It’s your 1-stop information place for any “next steps” you have such as resources, registrations, questions or ways to get connected at Lakes Free.

Children’s Activity Packs: Activity packs for kids attending worship services are available at the main Worship Center door.


Starting Point Basketball Watch Party: For Young Adults 18-26. Saturday, March 26 | 5:00-9:00pm in Youth Center. Its game time! Join us for a great night of watching and/or playing games. Please bring your favorite appetizer or game day food to share! Board games and drinks will be provided.

Sharing Shop Now Accepting Spring/Summer Clothing: We are now accepting new and gently used clothing of all ages and sizes for our Spring Clothing Event. Please leave donations by the Bear Room (lower level Education Wing hallway off Fellowship Hall).

Summer Camp Scholarships: We are offering scholarships for our kids, Kdgn-12th grade, to attend Camp Shamineau and other Bible Camps this summer. One per child/per year. Contact the church office for details and to get a sponsorship code. Camp Shamineau is now accepting registrations and offers a discount if paid in full by April 1.

Red Cross Blood Drive: Monday, April 28, 10am-4pm. Sign up to donate here.

Save the Date!
Holy Week Prayer Gathering:
Sunday, April 13 | 6:00pm
Good Friday Services: Friday, April 18 | 5:00 & 6:30pm
Easter Services: Sunday, April 20 | 8:00, 9:30, & 11:00am
Easter Breakfast: Sunday, April 20 | 7:30-10:00am
Women’s Retreat: May 9-10. Oak Forest Retreat Center. More details coming soon!
Vacation Bible School: June 9-13. Registration will begin April 21.

Upcoming Events


God has gifted each of us with unique abilities, gifts, and passions that can be used to glorify Him and invest in others. We encourage everyone to use those gifts and passions to serve others here at Lakes Free. Let us help you discover the joy of serving!

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