Message & Sermon Notes
A Servant to All
1 Corinthians 9:19-27
Pastor Jason Carlson
1 Corinthians 9:19-27
Paul models for us:
1. A passion for the lost (v. 19, 22b-23)
“win” (x’s 5) = kerdaino (earn, gain, acquire)
“save” = sozo (deliver, rescue, restore)
Colossians 1:13-14
John 3:16-18
All people are either saved or lost:
God’s reality does away w/ nihilism
God’s holiness does away w/ moralism
God’s revelation does away w/ pluralism
Matthew 28:18-20
“The gospel changes heaven’s courtroom from a criminal trial to an adoption ceremony.” – Matt Smethurst
G.R.A.C.E. = God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense
• 1 Corinthians 1 (our calling and blessings)
• 1 Corinthians 15 (our future hope)
2. A plan to engage the lost (v. 20-22)
Philippians 2:3-8
Galatians 5:13-14
Galatians 6:2
John 13:34-35
3. A preparedness to reach the lost (v. 24-27)
Romans 12:1-2
1 Corinthians 3:10-15
Sermon Discussion Questions
Questions for reflection:
1. Why should the advance of the gospel be the primary motivation for followers of Jesus?
2. How might you apply Paul’s evangelism plan for reaching the non-Christians in your life?
Questions for discussion:
1. What did Paul mean when he said, “I have become all things to all people”? Are there limits to this principle for Christians?
2. How have you seen Paul’s evangelist model applied by others, our church, or in your own life?
3. In what ways do Paul’s athletic metaphors (v. 24-27) encourage us in our spiritual growth and ministry pursuits?
Sundays at Lakes Free
Welcome Visitors!
If you are visiting for the first time today, stop by the Next Steps counter to pick up a welcome gift from Lakes Free!
Worship Services: 9:00 & 10:40 am. (Livestream at 10:40am)
Sunday School & Adult Bible Fellowships (ABFs):
Nursery & Preschool Sunday School: 9:00 & 10:40am
Elementary Sunday School: 9:00am
Middle & High School Sunday School: 9:00am
Adult Bible Fellowship (ABF): 9:00 10:40am (More info here)
Lakes Cafe Open Sunday Mornings: Purchase a cup of coffee for $2 and 100% will be donated to support Lakes Free missionaries. Each month will feature a current Lakes Free Mission partner.
What is the Next Steps Area? You may be wondering what, exactly, is the corner with Next Steps written on the wall? It’s your 1-stop information place for any “next steps” you have such as resources, registrations, questions or ways to get connected at Lakes Free.
Children’s Activity Packs: Activity packs for kids attending worship services are available at the main Worship Center door.
Worldview Apologetics Conference: Feb. 28-March 1, featuring Sean McDowell. Cost: $20. Conference details and tickets here.
Short-term Adult Mission Trip: North Carolina June 14-20 | Cost: $550 This is a joint Student Ministries/Missions sponsored mission trip. Lakes Free will be partnering with Praying Pelican Missions who are actively engaged in long-term recovery efforts. Register here.
Sharing Shop Now Accepting Spring/Summer Clothing: We are now accepting new and gently used clothing of all ages and sizes for our Spring Clothing Event. Please leave donations by the Bear Room (lower level Education Wing hallway off Fellowship Hall).
GriefShare Group: Spring Session begins March 10, meets Mondays, 7:00pm, Room 219. Cost: $20. Register here.
Save the Date!
Women’s Retreat: May 9-10. Oak Forest Retreat Center. More details coming soon!
Vacation Bible School: June 9-13. Registration will begin April 21.
Upcoming Events
God has gifted each of us with unique abilities, gifts, and passions that can be used to glorify Him and invest in others. We encourage everyone to use those gifts and passions to serve others here at Lakes Free. Let us help you discover the joy of serving!